What does “Force stop” actually
means on android phone and how do I go about it.
reason why using Force Stop is recommended when trying to fix a misbehaving app
it is
it kills of the current running instance
of that app and
v it means that the app will no longer be accessing any of
its cache files
Force stop is like end
task on windows pc that shutsdown applications.
On windows when a program is unresponsive we go to task manager
and endtask meaning ending the unresponsive software, that's pretty much the
same thing happening here.
Force stopping apps as well, have it own advantage it will help
you extend your phones battery life if you are in a critical situation &
want the battery to last as long as it can. And also if there are some apps
that you don't use much but they always run it background then force stopping
will help free up some RAM
between Operating System (OS) and Applications (apps) on android phone.
There are two classes: system and apps. Systems
are the ones the phone usually needs to perform its routine services. You can
stop it and can restrict them, but can't uninstall. If uncertain, you should
Google the names of services to see what they are before attempting stopping. As far as apps, these will typically not
cause any impact to the way your phone runs, and can be
Thanks for reading
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site and reading this article. I hope that you found this guide informative and
a useful resource in managing the running applications on your Android Smartphone.Don’t
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